2nd December 2023, Saturday, 9.30am, AMP Auditorium


Introducing Singapore Islamic Finance Forum 2023 (SIFF 23)

Islamic Finance, an intricate tapestry of ethical, social, and religious principles, is a testament to the possibilities of integrating tradition with modern financial practices.

As a system, it does more than simply adhere to Shariah laws; it represents a holistic financial worldview that prioritises socio-economic justice, risk-sharing, and tangible asset backing.

Today, as the world is engrossed in seeking sustainable and ethically grounded financial solutions, the relevance and importance of Islamic Finance have never

been more pronounced.

Making Singapore
Regional Islamic Wealth Management Hub

Singapore, the bustling heart of Asia's economic dynamism, is not only known for its financial acumen but also for its ability to bridge traditions with modernity.

Over the years, Singapore has showcased a significant inclination and capability to integrate

diverse financial paradigms.

With its state-of-the-art infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, and an environment conducive to innovation, Singapore has emerged as the ideal locale to foster discussions, research, and development in Islamic Finance.

It is here, at this crossroads of traditional finance and innovation, that we envision building a renewed narrative for Islamic Finance that will resonate globally.

Why SIFF 23?

The Singapore Islamic Finance Forum 2023 (SIFF 23), positioned under the umbrella of the World Scientific Publishing and Islamic Finance Singapore (IFSG), endeavours to knit together the worlds of academic research and industry practice in Islamic Finance.

It aspires to foster a holistic environment where researchers can pose pivotal questions, present groundbreaking studies, and offer innovative solutions that can drive the industry towards greater heights.


Bridging Gaps

Singapore Islamic Finance Forum 2023 aims to be a converging point where academia's theoretical depth and industry's practical

expertise meet.

Global Discourse, Local Impact

Our objective is to understand how global narratives can be adapted to regional, and local contexts.

Collaborative Ventures

We aims to serve as a catalyst for future collaborative ventures, be it in terms of joint research projects, cross-border financial collaborations, or academic-industry partnerships.

Empowerment & Knowledge

We want empower participants with the knowledge, insights, and tools necessary to be torchbearers for Islamic Finance in their respective domains., ensuring its principles are upheld while adapting to the ever-evolving financial landscape.

Innovation and Tradition

We want to evaluate and understand how modern innovations, especially in technology, can be seamlessly integrated into the traditional framework of Islamic Finance. This includes, but is not limited to, digital banking, fintech, and AI-driven financial solutions.

Ethical Financial Future

We want to highlight and emphasise the ethical underpinnings of Islamic finance and to showcase qualitatively and quantitatively its potential as a beacon for establishing a globally accepted ethical financial system.

Redefining Islamic Finance:
Bridging Tradition with Innovation

Distinguished Presenters and Discussants

Ambassador of Singapore to Kuwait

Advisor, Helixtap Technologies, Singapore.

Head of Department, Strategy & Policy,

Professor, NUS Business School, Singapore

Professor of Finance, Durham University, UK.

Professor, International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), Malaysia

Associate Professor of Islamic Finance at CIS,
Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar.

Associate Professor of Economics and Finance,
Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar

Associate Professor of Finance and Associate Dean Research at Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)

Managing Director,
Stellar Consulting Group

Deputy Director and Shariah Specialist, Financial Stability Group (Islamic Finance Department), Bank Negara Malaysia

Senior Vice President, Structured Finance & Financial Institutions, DZ Bank AG

AI & Data Practitioner

Executive Education Fellow, School of Computing

National University of Singapore

Shariah Executive, Shariah Executive, BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd

Co-Founder, ZaynFi

Financial Consultant, Advisor Alliance Group

Financial Consultant, Ascent Islamic

Ms Norliana Hamber

Islamic Banker

Master of Ceremony

Agenda of Event

9:00 am - 9:30 am | Registration


9:30 am - 9:40 am | Welcoming Remarks

Dr. Eskandar Shah, Associate Professor of Islamic Finance at CIS, HBKU

9:40 am - 10:15 am | Keynote Address

Guest of Honour: Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Ambassador of Singapore to Kuwait
Prof. Muhammed-Shahid Ebrahim, Professor of Finance, Durham University, UK.

10:15 am - 10:30 am | Break


10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Session 1 : Paper Presentations

Presenter #1: Prof. Dr. Belal Ehsan Baaquie, Advisor, Helixtap Technologies, Singapore.
Presenter #2: Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq Pasha Mahmood, Head of Department, Strategy & Policy, NUS Business School, Singapore
Presenter #3: Prof. Dr. Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha, Professor, International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), Malaysia

Presenter #4: Dr Saad Azmat, Associate Professor of Finance and Associate Dean Research at Suleman Dawood School of Business, LUMS

Moderated by Ms Norliana Hamber, Islamic Banker.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Lunch & Prayer Break


1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Session 2: Industry Panel Session: Making Singapore a Regional Islamic Wealth Management Hub

Panel #1: Ustaz Izzam Khazar, Deputy Director and Shariah Specialist, Financial Stability Group (Islamic Finance Department), Bank Negara Malaysia

Panel #2: Mr Ian Yeo, Senior Vice President, Structured Finance & Financial Institutions, DZ Bank AG

Panel #2: Mr Aziz Zainuddin, Co-Founder, ZaynFi

Moderated by Nana Syafiqa Robani, Financial Advisor, Advisor Alliance Group

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Session 3: Keynote on Islamic Finance Education: The Malaysian Experience

Dr Saad, Associate Professor, Suleman Dawood School of Business

Dr Eskandar Shah, Associate Professor of Islamic Finance at CIS, HBKU

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Session 4: Open Submissions

Dr Hazik Mohamed, Managing Director, Stellar Consulting Group

Dr Mustafa Disli, Associate Professor of Economics and Finance, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Mr Zaid Hamzah, AI & Data Practitioner, Executive Education Fellow, School of Computing National University of Singapore

Mr Ezzat Ezzuddin, Shariah Executive, BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd

Moderated by Mr Nasiruddin Hussen, Financial Advisor, Ascent Islamic

4:30 pm - 4:45 pm | Closing & Award Ceremony: Best Paper Award

Presented by World Scientific Publishing

4:45 pm onwards | Evening Tea & Networking


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